Destroy All Michelins

The parking lot at Eyedrum—the innovative, independent art gallery and performance space on MLK. Made up of very large gravel and an assortment of mystery shards, the lot is actually an outdoor installation piece titled “Tire Hazard.”
Both mind and wheel-opening, Eyedrum celebrates the challenge of coming to terms with something new. As a mousy little twerp who likes Dixieland and Schubert, my ears need some exercise now and then. Often that challenge can be rewarding. There was the neat Theremin tribute show with over a dozen different players—including one guy who adapted Lev’s space-age “wave your hands around it to change the pitch and volume” technology to a palm pilot and stylus. Then there was my first electronica show where two guys sat behind laptops while we sat in chairs watching them point and click. And the more accessible Album 88 benefit shows where I'm increasingly the creepy old guy.
but sorry about the tires.
wish you'd post some about these music happenings before-hand. I'm lazy and don't like to drift throug the creative loafing.
Also, it's always better with a word-of-mouth recommendation...even if you don't know if you're gonna like it or not.
The Theremin show I learned about from Creative Loafing. As for the electroni ca show, one of the laptop guys handed me a flyer at a Bash Bush comedy show I performed at. And since he came to my show.... That's pretty much the MO at Eyedrum--word of mouth, a few flyers here and there. It's like a seminar or a salon. Tinkerers sharing discoveries.
i remember when that space used to be downtown. it was at that location where the basement was filled with giant blocks of ice and red wax human hearts on meathooks.
i saw the band "the melted men" there and the singer lit a 3 foot long strip of fireworks and threw them into the crowd. it landed on the shoulder of the guy next to me.
EyeDrum has always been a beautifully dangerous catastrophe.
I went to college with the owner Steve and a nicer guy you will not meet.
It takes a cynical artist to display bleeding hearts. That reminds me, The Bodies exhibit at the Civic Center is closing soon. Only a few more weeks to see those posable Asian corpses.
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