Limbo To Be Reborn in East Atlanta

(Still-)Born in the USA is a touring group of four LA and NY alt comics. They're coming to Atlanta this Thursday and include former Athens comic and famous non-Canadian Andrew Wright. Despite the Pope’s recent revisions, they’ll be playing the Earl—where only the hippest unbaptised dead babies get to go.
Back when Henny Youngman died I joked: “Leave it to Henny to actually die funny. He was 92 when he died, yet his name was Youngman. That’s kinda funny. It’d be like if that actor Gary Oldman had been stillborn. That also would’ve been… well, maybe not quite as funny at the time but… after a couple weeks.”
Some other unfortunate names for the stillborn include: Constance, Methuselah, Cleo (the muse of history), Not Dead, Jr. and Madison—that one’s just too trendy.
i was gonna go see colorado on thursday. well, i have other times to see colorado i guess.
i'm gonna try to make this.
Imagine the chagrin of Not Dead, Junior's dad! Then again, it nips that paternal/filial rivalry in the bud. Let him who hasn't secretly longed for the stillbirth of his namesake cast the first stone--
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