Sunday, November 02, 2008

Voting For Hope at Hope

I had planned to vote like I tend to orgasm: early. But it turns out that long line outside a government office I spent six hours waiting in last week was actually an unemployment office. Whoops.

Instead, I’ll be at my regular precinct John Hope Elementary on Tuesday. John Hope was a prominent educator born to a white father and black mother. He became the first black president of Atlanta’s Morehouse College and later of the whole Atlanta University complex. Seems like a fitting place.

It’d be like a McCain supporter getting to vote at Erratic, Negative Campaign With a Woefully Unqualified Running Mate High--formerly known as Open Campus.


At 5:44 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

My daughter goes to Minor Elementary, which would have been a great place to vote for Eliot Spitzer. One more lost opportunity.

At 8:42 AM, Blogger Brian Bannon said...

Some parts of Appalachia still exploit child labor with the use of coal minors.


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