Putting the Party in Oscar Night
Once a year or so I delude myself into thinking I can do well somewhere other than the Star Bar. It's time to prove myself wrong again.

The Warren City Club
818 N Highland Ave
Atlanta, Ga. 30306
ph: 404-475-1991
web: www.thewarrencityclub.com
(Above the Dark Horse Tavern at corner of N Highland & Greenwood Ave.)
Come early for amazing continental cuisine.
Doors @ 7
Show @ 8
Tickets $10
Some local comics have started a Sunday night show in Virginia Highland--another one of Atlanta's long-standing intown neighborhoods that I've never played. (I need to do a set in West End before I die. And maybe Ben Hill.)
They booked me anonymously through a Myspace message and must've right-clicked that pic of me from my Sevananda Girl post. Apparently they hadn't seen this:
Or my Streetcar audition shot:
I was gonna spend the weekend adding slides to audio from my Star Bar set last Monday--it was a Lenten theme--but now I guess I'll have to figure out how to entertain the Atkins Park/Limerick Junction/Bill Hallman/Alon's Bakery crowd.
Hmm, open with Gluten-Free Yeast Infection or save that for the closer?
Either that, or you could opt for the coveted Busking-on-Ponce gig. C'mon, Brian: Real men crack that Clermont-Lounge-Meets-Zesto's-and- the-Majestic code!
Your the one with tap shoes, Mr. Hoofer. If you wanna put on a street corner vaudeville sometime I'm game.
A guerrilla gig with time and place announced through word of mouth to a tiny audience of somnambulists.
Kind of like our last show, but on Ponce.
Editors note: "Your" is a possessive pronominal adjective. "You're" is the contraction of you are.
I typed the former and meant the latter.
Their's all my book learnin' for ya.
OK, so how'd it go at the Warren?
About 15 minutes.
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