The Phases of the Moon

It's Chinese New Year. Be sure to eat your black-eyed bamboo shoots.
Chinese New Year is based on the Lunar Calendar. The most populous nation on earth can't help but keep track of irregular monthly cycles.
Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata was written during a Waxing Gibbous moon. Mrs. Gibbous later moved to Brazil where her scandalous grooming procedures slanted the other way.
Well, your chart explains it. One night under a gibbous moon, I saw the neighborhood Goth transform into a barista before my very eyes.
If only the moon had free wifi.
lol very clever...very veryf unny posts man keep up the awesome work
Thanks jonny, but I hope I'm not a bad influence on you. I'm still mostly aspiring myself.
"It's never too late to learn guitar."--the voice of God I sometimes hear in the rustling leaves.
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