My Phlebotomist had the Fidgets

For the third time, and the 2nd in a row, my bloodletter missed a vein. This meant her twisting the needle around a couple times hoping to catch it again, then giving up and moving to a second vein nearby.
In platelet donation they draw from one arm and send the platelet-less blood back through the other. This meant a triptych of needle marks and the cool-looking bruises from the one that came up dry. Walking through Little Five Points this weekend one of the smack addicts actually warned me to try to kick soon.
Apparently, my veins are a lot like me: they look approachable but if you try to get too close they sometimes turn away. But this is a new year, and they did get their pints. Plus, I think it balances out my phlegm and black bile.
Hey, I always knew I had too much phlegm, but I never associated it with my phlegmatic nature-- until now! Thanks, Theophrastus!
It could also be too much dairy.
This procedure of drawing blood can actually help people in their sickness.
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