Brian Nichols for Sheriff?
I considered writing in Brian Nichols--the alleged Fulton County Courthouse Shooter. He certainly has a knack for uncovering lapses in county security. And with his court proceedings threatening to last a full 4-year term, why not put him to work? Every life needs a purpose, right?
Instead I just picked one of the candidates without a folksy nickname in quotes.
But what's with that county surveyor guy running unopposed? Have you seen his plats?! All smeared, smudged and chicken scratched? It's like he wipes his ass with 'em or something. Where's a John "Can Draw" Doe or a Joe "Pretty Plats" Six Pack when you need him?
I guess it's a little late to write in General Sherman for County Surveyor, so why not the next best thing: Delores French? She's surveyed the whole county-- and some of us more than once, God help 'em.
I tried to survey myself a couple weeks ago, but it was just too depressing.
Ah yes, Delores French the sex worker/author/stand-up comedienne who used to work the open mics with us.
She's a hard act to follow. Or an act you follow ....
OK, maybe not Surveyor, but how about County Solicitor?
"Justice is just a good gal whoring her way through school."
--Oliver Wendell Holmes
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