Sunday, July 27, 2008

Only the Stillborn Die Young

Had an idea for a bit today called The Bush Doctrine. It was to go like this:

"President Bush is still worried about his legacy. After nearly eight years of a disastrous foreign policy, a failed economic agenda and borderline illiteracy, President Bush has announced the term he'd like historians to use when describing his presidency: The Aristocrats!

"So the whole presidency was just one long really sick joke? He was being ironic the whole time? For fuck's sake. I just hope you hipsters are happy. Trucker hats ain't so funny now, are they?"

Sadly, after a quick search to check its originality I see it's been done.

Darn. Guess I'll go back to directing my anger inward.


At 9:37 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Topped again. And this time by a Mormon quarterback who couldn't hold Montana's jock. At least he could scramble a little.
What next? We can't follow a mother-and-daughter hooker combo? Oh, wait--


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