Why'd They Even Get a First Edition?

Did you know Darwin married his cousin? The discoverer of Natural Selection limited his gene pool. I guess when you discover that all life has a common ancestry, incest is all relative.
Ever the gourmand, Darwin would often cook and eat some of the strange birds and animals he collected. In fact, his sequel to the Origin of Species was an exotic cook book titled Tastes Like Chicken. And to this day the Cobb County library is forced to put a disclaimer on saying "Why not just east chicken?!"
Also, Darwin died kinda stupid.
Another disclaimer: When Darwin said "Sugarless gum? Who's that for?", the Cobb County Board of Education's rejoinder was "It's for DIABETICS".
And when at one point he humbly offered "I don't know", they inexplicably came back with "Third BASE".
It was T. H. Huxley who first asked "What part of the chicken is the McNugget?"
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