I swiped this poster off
Dr. Cockroach's MySpace page. He's one of the performer/exhibitors at this show this coming Good Friday. I'll be doing some of my innumerable death-related stand-up bits and appropriate readings from this slowly decomposing blog.
I did take that blurry picture which I believe is of the Flex space in Kirkwood near the abandoned New Georgia Railroad Depot.
This is the new space by the owner/operator of Art Farm
Dennis Coburn. Art Farm was an old warehouse on Wylie Street in Cabbagetown. It had studio and gallery space for artists and a small firetrap theatre where some of my first sketch's were performed. (I need a new sketch outlet something fierce.) It became a victim of gentrification and was torn down for more new construction lofts. But that weirdo multi-discipline art-for-fuck's-sake spirit lives on and Dennis--aka
Mr. Boom--is giving it a new hangout.
Will my non-poetic, ham-fisted
thanatopses go over well? Probably not, but dying at The Death Show would be kinda meta.
For the show, I wanted to write something on the silly side to balance my darker bits but now I fear it's too familiar. Here's the bit:
"I had a dream where I was playing chess with Death. But neither of us could remember the rules so we decided to play Monopoly instead. And of course Death had to be the car. But we couldn’t find the car, it was missing from the box. All that was left was the thimble and a couple bent paper clips. So I said I'd be one of the paper clips but Death said he couldn’t be no wack-ass thimble ‘cause he’s motherfuckin’ Death, yo. We wound up just watching cartoons ‘til the rain let up."
Now, in googling key words I see my arch-doppelgänger Dane Cook has a monopoly bit and I'm certain others have done this premise before so I don't know. Perhaps I'll let it die here and do my own Death Show death with integrity.